Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lily Pad Quilting: The 2012 Pets on Quilts Show is here!

Ribbit! Ribbit!? Padsworth here, and I'm your emcee for the show!

PLEASE READ all of the post today -- you want to be sure that you know the rules and know how to play!

Today is the day! I'm so excited that I already fell right off my lilypad! This is it! The Best Show on Earth -- the 2012 Pets on Quilts Show!

Today is the start of a whole lot of fun and fellowship -- quilters from all over the world are going to post in our great, big linky party, and all of you can hop and bop to see all of the wonderful pets, quilts, and new bloggy friends!

Our sponsors are ready --- Snoodles and I are ready --- I sure hope you are ready!!
I have my pencil and my notebook, and I'm comfy here on one of Snoodles' quilts:?

I want to keep track of the ones that I like the best -- even tho I can't vote . . . that wouldn't be right. But you can! Next week we'll ask you to vote for the viewers' choice awards, so you better write down the ones you love the best!

Snoodles' studio kitty, Moses, couldn't be bothered . . . he wanted to keep enjoying his nap:

Now, I'd like you to give a nice round of applause for our sponsors -- they make this clambake even more fun!

?The Fat Quarter Shop is providing a $100 gift certificate!

?The Quilted Kitty is providing three prizes: a fabric prize, a kitty tea set prize, and a $50 gift certificate!

The Raspberry Rabbits are providing a kit, wool, thread, and hangers for a prize!

Java House Quilts is providing a BOM pattern called "Cat-Acatemy" for a prize!

Martingale Publishing is providing a $25 gift certificate for a prize!

The Cotton Patch Quilt Shop is providing a $50 gift certificate for a prize!

IHAN is providing a gorgeous handbag from Bagamore Collections for a prize!

Abbi Mays Fabric Store is providing a $50 gift certificate for a prize!

Margaret Bucklew of Patterns to Quilt is providing a download of Quilty Clip Art for a prize!

Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting is providing $30 gift certificates for three prizes!

Ronika Lee's Etsy shop is providing a plush kitty bed for a prize!

Inchworm Fabrics is providing Pieced Applique Weekend Projects for a prize!
Pop Doggie Etsy Shop is providing a magnet of the winner's choice, for a prize!

PupsEtc. Etsy Shop is providing a collection of doggy toys for a prize!

The Wooden Giraffe Etsy shop is providing an animal puzzle of choice, for a prize!

Diggity Dawg Etsy shop is providing pet placemats for two prizes!

Pat's Design Etsy shop is providing a key chain and a dog tag, for two prizes!

Heat Press Batting Together is providing rolls of fabric fuser for batting, for several prizes!

Ribbit! Ribbit! I need to rest! That's a lot of sponsors, and a lot of prizes! Thank you very much to all of our sponsors!

Now, here is how our Pet Show will work: You'll be posting your photos of pets on quilts, or pet-themed quilts on your blog, or on your Flickr page. Then you come to our linky party and link up directly to the post with the photo (or the Flickr photo) not just to your blog. We want to jump right over and see your entry --- don't want to have to search for it! (Grin)

UPDATE: Remember, from our previous post, that I said you only make one blog linky in the party --- you could have several photos on your blog for the show, but only one linky entry from each blogger.? Sometimes it's hard to translate frog-speak into people-speak! (Grin)

I can see where it may make problems for peeps who have different categories of quilts, tho. So, lets make this amendment to the rules:

You can have one linky entry to a blog, and two linky entries to Flickr photos. I'm hoping that will work for everyone, and we'll all have a good time!

You also need to make certain that you use good blog hop manners and include a link in your post, so that visitors can click and come right back to the Lilypad to see even more fun and cuteness! So be sure to place that "backlink" somewhere in your Pet Show post, or on your Flickr page, OK? We thank you!
If you don't have a Flickr page, email us at quiltnsrep at yahoo dot com and we will help out. Please bear with us and we'll get to it as soon as we can!

Our linky party will remain open for entries until August 9 --- that's a whole week for peeps to enter their quilts and their furbabies! At that point, the linkies will be closed, and voting will begin. We will leave the voting open through the weekend (through Sunday, the 12th) so that all of our friends can participate. Then, a couple of days later (probably the 14th or 15th) we will have our announcements of winners. Whooo hoooo!

Here are the categories for entries:

  • dog on quilt or dog themed quilt
  • cat on quilt or cat themed quilt
  • other pet on quilt or other pet themed quilt
  • Best EQ pet theme quilt design
  • Best Art quilt
I think it will be pretty easy to tell when you enter a quilt in most of the categories.....for the EQ and the Art quilt categories, please mention in your linky title or in your blog post, that you wish to be considered in one of these categories.? (For instance, you could include in your title (EQ) or (Art), or you could make sure that you write about it in your post.)
Our rules post is here if you have any other questions, or you can email Snoodles if your question is not answered there!?

Now, voting has not begun, but you CAN start leaving comments:

? ? ? 1. Leave a comment here and tell me that you have?

? ? ? ? ? joined our linky party.

? ? ? 2. If you are a follower, new or old, leave a comment

? ? ? ? ? to let me know.? Separate comment, OK?

These are your first two entries in the prize giveaways, so be sure to do this!
And if you are not sure that your email addy will show up, include it in your comment --- I sure wouldn't want you to miss out on a prize!!
Of course, we are hoping for lots of entries and lots of comments, so please bear with me . . . I might not get to answer all of them. (Kinda hard to get these froggy toes to work the keyboard, ya know!)?

When the linky party is closed, you'll be able to earn one more entry by visiting ALL of the contestants, and leaving them comment love. At that point you can leave a comment telling me that you did that.? (I'm a smart frog -- don't leave a comment saying you've visited all of them, before the linky party is even closed, OK? Heehee!)

Make sure that you leave comment "love" for the contestant, alright? No meanie comments in this linky party! (Grin)

Also, when the voting begins, you can leave your comment for that -- but we'll post details on that next week, OK?

Now, I think we have covered everything, but if you have a question, just holler! Ribbit!

Let's party!! (Linky party, that is!)


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