Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Getting Pinterest to Help Grow Your Internet Marketing Business ...

Not a new social media portal, Pinterest is something else. All it is is a visual collage of images representing things you want people to know about like websites and other online information you really like. Sharing this collection of images that you ?pin? to a board is what you do. Imagine the union of Facebook and a bulletin board creating an infant ? that?s what this is. Businesses are now starting to see the value of Pinterest, specially when it comes to marketing. So how do you get this primarily social medium to work for you in a business sense?

Tagging other users with things you pin on your boards is the first step. It is simple to use the ?@username? ystem.me?users on your boards to pin things everyday. Also, you can use ?a tyou ? too. Why not? This is also used on Pinterest and Twitter when you do tagging. Once you are part of the Pinterest, you can let people know you?re there. So when you join the system, you can show people that you will actively participate on a regular basis by doing this. Relevancy is very important, and by pinning them, it shows how similar your content is to theirs. Don?t simply tag people to tag people. Tagging things that you will both like is how you need to go about this. When people put pins up, you need to comment on them. Pinterest is very similar to a blog when you do this. Essentially, you are simply liking what you find online. When you comment on the pins that are on the other peoples? boards you both let them know that you exist and prove that you are interested in what they are interested in. As with blog commenting, though, make sure that the comments you leave are actually relevant. More than likely, people will think that you are a ?spammer? by posting ?nice? or ?cool? on their pin.

When using your PInterest account, connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to this one. People to visit your PInterest account will follow through to your other accounts, all the while saying what you have pinned in regard to your business. You can also ask your Twitter and Facebook followers to go to your PInterest as well. You can build your following, market your business across a few different platforms all at the same time. So the people can find you through PInterest, list your social media icons on your profile so that they can easily traverse from one to the other.

This social network platform, Pinterest, is a great one to be on. Instead of discussing yourself, you?re showing what you are interested in, which makes it very interesting indeed! Everyday this social network grows in popularity. By using this right now, you are getting ahead of everyone else, especially other Internet marketers who will eventually overrun the system. It is so important that you start pinning as fast as you can! You will definitely take your business to a high level. Your profit margins will also increase because of this social network.

Tags: business online, internet

Source: http://www.learn-in-ireland.com/getting-pinterest-to-help-grow-your-internet-marketing-business/

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