Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Canterbury businesses find ways to survive |


The impact of the earthquakes on Christchurch businesses has not been as bad as expected, a Statistics New Zealand report reveals.

The "Business demography" report released yesterday shows Christchurch's number of business sites was only 2.5 per cent lower in February this year than February last year.

The report compares the number of business locations or sites in February this year with February last year before the destructive February 22 earthquake.

Christchurch had 37,340 business sites in February last year and 36,420 in February this year. That is only 920 fewer business sites.

It's the same for the Canterbury region. The 63,470 business locations in February this year is only 960 lower than the 64,430 in February last year.

The number of employees in Christchurch was only 1600 fewer in February this year, at 184,000, than February last year. And in Canterbury there was a slight rise in the number of employees to 256,600.

But Christchurch has a lot more businesses in building and the construction industry and a lot fewer cafes, restaurants, pubs, tourism businesses and education services, the report shows.

The numbers of painting and decorating businesses rose more than a third in the year to February 2012 , the number of house building businesses increased 11 per cent and other construction businesses rose 14.5 per cent.

The number of cafes and restaurants fell 19 per cent and pubs, taverns and bars dropped 13.5 per cent.

Christchurch economist Robin Clements, of research house UBS, said he expected the impact to be a lot worse.

"That's what shocked me," Clements said.

Many businesses just got on with the job and set themselves up in all sorts of alternative locations.

It suggested the economic loss to the region was not as great as some of the "scaremongers" were suggesting.

Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce chief executive Peter Townsend said the small decrease in business sites in Christchurch was in line with feedback from membership. The region was "still in pretty good shape and well positioned to engage in the rebuild."

The report gives more insight into the flight from the CBD. It shows about 18,200 fewer employees in the CBD in February this year - nearly 40 per cent fewer - and 1975 fewer business sites (about 34 per cent down) than February last year.

The western and southern suburbs took the migration from the centre.

They had an extra 16,710 employees in February this year, a 6 per cent increase, and an extra 1250 business sites.


Winning the race to find new premises in the western suburbs of Christchurch ensured the survival of many businesses after the February 2011 earthquake.

Hi-tech manufacturer Enatel and web development company Hairy Lemon were two of those - Enatel relocating to Wigram and Hairy Lemon to Hornby.

Enatel managing director Gary Foot said one advantage of relocating was that the business, previously spread across four separate business sites in St Asaph and Tuam streets, was now in one much larger site in Wigram.

The hi-tech manufacturer produces standby power supplies for the telecommunications industry and solar inverters which convert electricity from solar panels into electricity suitable for everyday use.

Enatel's new location is close to the airport but traffic congestion was a problem. Morning and afternoon rush hours were "just a nightmare", Foot said.

But it was something to "grin and bear" because all the activity in the area was rebuild-related.

The firm was paying higher rent than before the earthquake but that was because its premises were much larger, Foot said. "But clearly there has been a significant increase in rental as a result of the earthquake."

Before the quake, one site had been offered for $100,000 a year, on a three-year lease, Foot said. Immediately after the quake, the landlord for that site had wanted a 10-year lease for $200,000 a year.

Another tenant accepted those terms within 48 hours.

Fortunately the firm had had its eye on its Wigram site before the September quake and was able to negotiate a seven-year lease. The company spent $1 million on a new fitout.

Web development company Hairy Lemon co-founder Graham Dockrill said its relocation to Hornby had been vital.

"Finding facilities that allowed us to continue business after the event, that continuity of business was incredibly important."

However the location, fit-out and size of its Hornby office was "not ideal", with only about half the office space of their former Victoria St site.

Rent was similar to what the firm had been paying in Victoria St.

The firm is returning to the city centre and is about to sign a lease for new premises.

- ? Fairfax NZ News


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Google Business Photos: Getting you to where the action is ...

Takeaway: Google offers a paid service for business owners called Google Business Photos which can help attract and orient customers to your business.

Everyone (except Apple) seems to have a close, personal relationship with Google Maps. I?ve been using it exclusively ever since one bad day when Mapquest told me to go down a street that no longer existed (an old carriage road perhaps?). Google Maps is not only invaluable for directions, but the Street View feature has been my own personal private eye, assisting me with a novel I?m writing which is set in Los Angeles - the opposite end of the country from me. Street View allows me to look at places around L.A. and then write scenes that are set appropriately, ensuring I?ve captured the physical detail and made my story accurate.

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This has helped me as a consumer, but Google also provides imagery services for business owners. Google Business Photos is one such service. According to their FAQ, ?When potential customers search for your business by name on Google, they will see the images displayed directly on the search results page. These panoramic images will also be published on Google+ Local pages, Google Maps and other Google properties.?

This is great for companies who want to provide visual, interactive online experiences for customers.

I was fortunate to be able to chat about the benefits of this service with a Google Trusted Photographer, Anthony Caccamo. Anthony runs a site at which has many excellent examples of their work as well as a useful video outlining the benefits of Google Business Photos.

?Most customers make their first contact with any business through a search conducted on Google,? said Anthony. ?Having the Google Business Photos Virtual Tour allows a business to meet customers at the first point of contact with a unique multimedia product that says a lot about their business in a very interesting way. People don?t like reading, but they?ll look at pictures all day. I don?t think there?s any better way to greet customers when they find you on Google, especially if the interior of your business is something special.?

The Eye in the Sky

Let?s look at an example of a business that is using Google Business Photos, the ?Teak on the Hudson? restaurant in New Jersey. Photos were taken by Inside Business NYC, which provides more information about the Google Business photography process.

If I search Google Maps for ?Teak on the Hudson? the results show me the location as well as available photos of the interior.

Figure A

Clicking the photo to the left opens up a beautiful interior shot of the establishment.

Figure B

What?s nice is that these aren?t just still images - you can explore the inside of the business exactly the same as you would using Google Street View. I can click on that path between the chairs and the barstools and pivot around to examine different angles as if I were actually there. In this example, I?ve turned the view to show the bar with the vibrant fish tank behind it.

Figure C

Who should sign up?

I think a great many businesses would profit from using this service - restaurants, hotels, and antique shops and galleries for instance. Certainly when my family and I went to Florida for vacation we enjoyed looking at photos of the Orlando Sheraton at which we intended to stay, complete with shots of the pool and guest rooms. However, some businesses might not see much gain from Google Business Photos. I wouldn?t necessarily find it useful to use this method to inspect an automobile repair shop, a store offering common merchandise like baking supplies, or a Best Buy (seeing as how the gear you?re interested in can be looked up directly online; most Best Buys have the same layout so a virtual inspection would not add much). It?s geared towards businesses with unique and elegant interiors and offerings which they want the world to see both virtually and physically.

Can I create my own pictures to upload to Google?

Well, yes and no. You will need a Google Trusted Photographer to take a series of panoramic shots of your business which is then used to generate the 360 degree exploratory views such as what I outlined above. Google states in their Business Photos FAQ that ?As a business owner, you can also upload your own photographs to Google by signing into Google+ Local.? This refers to still images you?d like to present to viewers.

What?s involved with a typical photo shoot?

Anthony Caccamo stated: ?A typical photo shoot lasts from 1-2 hours depending on the size of a business. It does not interfere with the normal operations of a business, and there are two parts of the photo session. The first part consists of the photographer positioning a camera and tripod at various locations throughout a business to capture images that will later be used to create the virtual tour. Every spot in the tour you can stop at and look around from is a location where the camera was placed.

The second part of the photo session is comprised of still images which Google refers to as ?Point of Interest Images.?? These images are meant to capture important and appealing aspects of the business that will give customers a good feel for the location. The still images are both uploaded to Google and provided to the client in full resolution, and full ownership rights to those images.?

What are some examples of specific business benefits?

Anthony provided me with five concrete instances of who is using Google Business Photos in the Greater New York area, and what they?ve gotten from it:

  • St. Patrick?s Cathedral - ?They are undergoing a renovation and have used the Google Virtual Tour to raise awareness for their restoration campaign, which is greatly funded by donations.?
  • The Gold Standard - ?They are a Gold Buyer and Pawn Shop and use the tours to showcase their beautiful store locations. Showing the interiors helps break through the stigma normally associated with such businesses by letting customers see that they will be in an office setting and there is no bulletproof glass to do business through.?
  • Mercedes-Benz Manhattan - ?They wanted to show off the multi-million dollar state-of-the-art corporate flagship facility they built in Manhattan. For them, this was just a unique way to do it.?
  • Full Cup Cafe - ?They are a small cafe during the day and with a bar and performance stage in the back that opens in the evenings. The place looks like a small hole in the wall from the street, so Google Business Photos let them show off their performance space and bar area.?
  • TraxNYC - ?This is a diamond district jeweler in NYC. They do a lot of business online and Google Business Photos helps them show their online users that there is a brick and mortar store that is behind all the online sales. For locals in NYC, there is no storefront - TraxNYC is located in a high rise building. So now folks searching on Google can see that there is in fact a business located in the building when they search on Google Maps.?

What?s involved with becoming Google Trusted Photographer, or hiring one?

Anthony stated: ?I?ve been a photographer for about 10 years. I received a call from Google in December of 2011. They asked me if I wanted to be part of a project they were working on called Google Business Photos. I learned the details from them and it sounded interesting, so I completed their training course and became certified as a Google Trusted Photographer in January of 2012. I was part of the initial group of 35 photographers selected across the U.S.A. to help Google launch the new program. This program is interesting because it is the first of its kind; it is a premium on-demand service offered through Google. Now, any business owner that wants a virtual tour published on Google Maps can have one done by contacting a photographer directly.?

Google outlines how to become a Google Trusted Photographer. If you?re looking for a trusted photographer for hire, click the link.

That?s a wrap

We?re a visual society, which explains why YouTube and other sites offer so many instructional videos which are now neck-and-neck in popularity with the technical documentation I wade through at my day job. We like to shop online from home (or work) and even with the items we can?t purchase via the Internet - such as a dinner out at a nice restaurant - now we can preview what we might experience in person. Google Business Photos allows you to ?try before you buy? in the sense of exploring a place to which you?re considering making a commitment of time and money. It also helps motivate businesses to open their doors in this manner and one-up one another in the arenas of style, comfort, and glamour. In the end, it?s a win-win for all involved.

Special thanks to Anthony Caccamo for the information and quotes.

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Tools & Home Improvement Equipment: Beginning BeagleBone ...

Beginning BeagleBone: Creating Linux-Powered Electronics Projects (Paperback)
By Matt Richardson

Review & Description

Most people think of Linux firstly as a computer operating system, running on user desktops and powering servers. But Linux can also be found inside many consumer electronics devices. Whether they're inside a cell phone, cable box, or exercise bike, embedded Linux systems blur the definition between computer and device. This blurriness has made its way into the maker realm and that's great because it's putting more powerful tools in the hands of regular people, not just those who design electronics for a living.

The BeagleBone is an embedded Linux development board from Texas Instruments that?s aimed at hackers and tinkerers. It?s a smaller, more barebones version of their BeagleBoard. Both are open source hardware and use TI?s OMAP processors, which are designed for low-power mobile devices.

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Find out More for the best price at Amazon


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Renaissance Oaf: Commercial Fiction As Applied Neuroplasticity

My father is one of the founding members of the letter carriers union, which means he's divided his professional life between politics and the streets of Richmond, California. So I don't get to shock him that often.

When I explained the approach I was taking with the Henry stories I'm doing for the Flash Fiction Fest? He was appalled.

"You're a reptile," he said. "And you're growing a lure on the end of your tongue."

One does what one must.

Let's make one thing clear. The Henry stories are not literature. They are commercial fiction. They are intended to provide readable entertainment for an intelligent audience. While I try to write well, clarity is more important than beauty or originality of phrasing. There is use of formula. Much of the appeal lies in scientific and speculative novelties that do represent an essentially juvenile state of mind.

I am perfectly comfortable with that. I am playing a different game.

As long-time readers know, I had a fairly spectacular stress-related collapse a couple of years back. Since then, I've been consciously engaged in a process of growth, and much of it has been rooted in the growing availability of information on the physical nature of the mind.

The art I'm concerned with gains its power by stimulating neurological events. The more complicated the circuit formed, the more engaging and satisfying the artistic experience.

Art rewards the brain.

But not all rewards are the same.

I have become aware that much of the fiction I've read has used stress as a reward -- either by allowing the reader to control a stress-inducing experience, or to feel the reward of triumph or superiority.

I wanted to write something that delivered a different set of neurological rewards.

The Henry stories are intended to reward the reader with the experiences of bonding, cooperation, problem-solving, and intellectual curiosity. They are intended to inculcate a mental state of relaxed alertness combined with a mildly expanded sense of benevolence.

They are intended to be healthy. If I am writing in order to provide a public service, I want to provide a goddamned service.

Now, the formula for the stories is that of solving a problem through some speculative twist involving scientific trivia.

Which means the story of the Henry stories actually is a Henry story.

So, yeah. I am perfectly happy to call them science fiction.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Indiana Senate seat up for grabs after Mourdock flap?


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Op-Ed Contributor: Who Threw Israel Under the Bus?

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Whenever the United States has put serious, sustained pressure on Israel?s leaders, it has come from Republican presidents, not Democrats. ...


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Work at Slate

Slate?is looking for a copy editor/Web producer, photo editor, lead developer, senior product manager, and product manager.

Slate is looking for a Web producer with copy-editing experience to work in our Washington, D.C., or New York City office. Primary duties will include copy-editing and placing articles and multimedia in our content management system. Candidates should be familiar with the Associated Press Stylebook and have knowledge of/interest in current events and culture. But we are also looking for self-directed, well-organized, multitalented individuals who would like the opportunity to work on social media, multimedia, data-visualization projects, or other aspects of online publishing. The ideal candidate is hard-working, flexible, inclined to ask the right questions at the right time, and graceful under pressure?in short, a dedicated collaborative player.

The position demands quick and accurate copy-editing; familiarity with AP style; and excellent grammar, usage, and spelling skills. Two years of editing experience in an online or print environment under daily deadline pressure is preferred. Candidates must also be flexible and able to work independently, keep an even keel during busy times, balance many projects at once, prioritize tasks in order to meet deadlines, be at ease with technology, and be able to manage and respond to a large quantity of daily email. This is a 40-hour-a-week contract position. Application deadline: Nov. 5, 2012.

? Minimum 1 to 3 years copy-editing experience
? Strong written and verbal communication skills and attention to detail
? Ability to multitask and work under tight deadlines
? B.A. degree or related work experience in journalism, communications, or a related field

Please send your r?sum? to by Nov. 5, 2012.

Are you a visual thinker who loves Slate?

Slate is looking for an energetic, well-organized Photo Editor with a passion for visual storytelling, online photojournalism, and excellent communication and problem-solving skills. The Photo Editor will work closely with the editorial and art teams to guide the selection and presence of strong visuals in the magazine. This full-time position entails overseeing daily photo research from a wide range of sources, supervising interns, and creating slideshows and other image-based features. The ideal applicant will be prepared to bring their own story ideas to the table, as well as being able to execute the visions of our editorial team. We?re looking for someone who is inclined to ask the right questions at the right time and is graceful under pressure?in short, a dedicated, collaborative player. This position is in New York City.

Experience and Qualifications:

  • 3-5 years professional experience working with photos in magazines, newspapers, or online publishing.
  • Discerning eye for striking images?and creative approaches for finding them.
  • Ability to negotiate usage rights, contracts, and manage invoices.
  • Strong editorial judgment and command of journalistic principles
  • Impeccable written and oral communication skills
  • Solid production experience including the ability to manage multiple projects and tight timelines
  • Seasoned understanding of copyright law
  • Abundant common sense, a strong sense of humor, and (nearly) infinite patience.
  • Experience with innovative forms of multimedia storytelling a plus
  • Experience directing photo assignments and shooting also a plus

To apply, e-mail a cover letter and?r?sum? with links (no PDF or attachment files please) to

Slate is a looking for a lead developer focused on Web applications.? A successful candidate will be one who sees much to improve in the current site and who can work effectively with design and product teams ?to evaluate and leverage emerging technologies and techniques. We want someone to help create a simpler, more interactive, and ultimately more compelling user experience across Slate?s desktop and mobile web sites.

Candidates should be passionate about measurement?page load times, click through and conversion rates, social actions, etc.? and creative in thinking of ways to improve those core metrics.

This position will also be responsible for helping to fill an open Junior Developer position, so the right candidate is someone who has management and/or significant mentorship experience.? You?ll be reinventing both the sites and the front-end team, so this position will require a long-term commitment and long-term focus. Please send your r?sum?s to

Essential duties include:

  • Evaluation and implementation of emerging libraries and frameworks.
  • An ability to work closely with design and product teams to produce effective experiences that look great and feel intuitive.
  • Mentoring and/or managing junior team members and contractors.
  • Expertise in mature open-source JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and jQuery-ui.
  • Understanding of HTML5 and CSS3.
  • A bias toward building something great from open-source tools rather than implementing something mediocre from a vendor.
  • Experience with dynamic content delivered via CMS, RSS, XML, JSON, etc.
  • Understanding of XSS attack vectors and general web application security.

Education: BA or BS degree.

  • Excellence in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
  • Understanding of the complete HTTP Request/Response life cycle (headers, cacheing, cross-domain policies).
  • Understanding of browser differences, deficiencies and remedies.
  • Knowledge of python.
  • Experience with git and github.
  • Experience with large-scale web applications (caching, CDNs, etc)

This is a big challenge that comes with the chance to have big impact on a small, entrepreneurial team. You'll work with some of the smartest people in the media and technology world. Please send your r?sum?s to

  • Lead the ideation, technical development and launch of web and native applications for mobile devices
  • Manage and mentor junior team members
  • Establish shared vision across company by building consensus on priorities leading to product execution
  • Drive product development with a team of world-class engineers, editors, and designers
  • Integrate usability studies, research and market analysis into product requirements to enhance user satisfaction
  • Define and analyze metrics that inform the success of products
  • Maximize efficiency in a constantly evolving environment where the process is fluid and creative solutions are the norm
  • Deep understanding of the digital user experience (e.g. technology, personalization, user behavior)
  • Great design sensibility around how to take complex systems and turn them into simple, compelling experiences
  • Ability to lead and manage cross-functional team of engineers, designers, and editors
  • Passion for media
  • Exceptional organizational and analytical skills
  • Understanding of the technical architecture of complex and highly scalable web applications and/or media products
  • Ability to create examples through wire frames and mock ups
  • Experience developing social products, technologies and platforms is strongly desired
  • BA/BS in Computer Science or workplace equivalent

Interested in conceiving and creating the next generation digital magazine? ?Slate is looking for an organized, entrepreneurially-minded person to manage the day-to-day development of software-related projects and lead technical initiatives from start to finish. ?This role will require a unique candidate who can combine project management organizational skills with a product manager?s talent for understanding of how people engage with news and information in a social, mobile world. ?It is also an added value if this candidate can thrive in a high email traffic environment, being able to prioritize what needs to be responded to in a critical fashion in a helpful and reliable way. ?You'll need to move fast, be bold, take risks, and find the right balance of art and science.

This is a big challenge that comes with the chance to have big impact on a small, entrepreneurial team. ?You'll work with some of the smartest people in the media and technology world. Please send your r?sum?s to

  • Lead daily scrum meetings and weekly senior staff priorities meetings
  • Develop relationships across the company to ensure all priorities are being backlogged and subsequently prioritized based on company goals
  • Ability to balance managing medium to long-term projects while handling the occasional fire-drill and small project needs
  • Lead projects in a transparent and productive way, applying standard project management practices
  • Manage weekly deployments including leading quality assurance efforts
  • Lead the ideation, technical development and launch of web and native applications for mobile devices
  • Work across the company to build enthusiasm for products leading up to execution
  • Drive product development with a team of world-class engineers, editors, and designers
  • Integrate usability studies, research and market analysis into product requirements to enhance user satisfaction
  • Define and analyze metrics that inform the success of products
  • Maximize efficiency in a constantly evolving environment where the process is fluid and creative solutions are the norm
  • 2 - 4 years of Project Management experience
  • Experience working closely with software engineers
  • Deep understanding of the digital user experience (e.g. technology, personalization, user behavior)
  • Great design sensibility around how to take complex systems and turn them into simple, compelling experiences
  • Passion for media
  • Exceptional organizational and analytical skills
  • Understanding of the technical architecture of complex and highly scalable web applications and/or media products
  • Ability to create examples through wireframes and mockups
  • Experience developing social products, technologies and platforms is strongly desired


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Big Android BBQ ? Meet the XDA Moderator Team ? XDA Developer TV

Big Android BBQ ? Meet the XDA Moderator Team ? XDA Developer TV

Fresh from the Big Android BBQ, XDA Developer TV Producer Azrienoch sat down with a group of XDA staff. Azrienoch talks to them about their experiences at the Big Android BBQ and XDA in general. So if you ever wanted to put a couple faces to usernames of the XDA Staff, now is your chance.

The video includes: XDA Elite Recognized Developer and XDA Developer TV Producer AdamOutler; XDA Elite Recognized Developer, Senior Moderator, and XDA New Writer Chainfire; XDA Developer Committee Member, Senior Moderator, and XDA News Writer jerdog; XDA Developer Committee Member, XDA Moderator Committee Member, and XDA News Writer NotATreoFan; XDA Senior Moderator, Recognized Contributor, and Recognized Themer Liaison PG101; XDA Senior Moderator M_T_M; XDA Forum Moderator mf2112; and XDA Forum Moderator, XDA News Writer, and holder of possibly the largest post count on XDA orb3000. Check out this video.

Be sure to check out other great XDA Developer TV Videos.


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Saudi Arabia using Paks nemesis India to shake up Islamabads links with terror Report

Bombay News.Net Wednesday 24th October, 2012

Pakistan is Saudi Arabia's traditional ally in South Asia, as firstly both nations are Islamic countries with majority Sunni populations, and the latter having fueled the construction of many hard-line religious schools in Pakistan that have helped foster Islamist militancy.

But the Middle East nation is trying to maintain close ties with India, Pakistan's nemesis in the region, the Wall Street Journal reports.

According to the paper, there are many theories for why Saudi is cooperating more closely with India.

Some observers view Saudi policy as driven by worries about the inability of Pakistan to control its militant proxies. Those anxieties have heightened in recent years as militants have increasingly attacked Pakistani government and military targets, the paper said.

"There's a genuine concern in the Saudi establishment that things may get out of hand," said Naresh Chandra, chairman of India's National Security Advisory Board.

According to Talat Masood, a retired Pakistan army general, Saudi Arabia, once itself a source of funds for Pakistan-based militant groups, now views its closer relationship with India as a way of forcing Pakistan to moderate its support for these groups, the paper said.

"The Saudi relationship is no longer a monopoly of Pakistan," Masood said.

Some analysts also claim that Riyadh's ties with India offer another way to balance the influence of Iran, a Shiite power that has historically rivaled Saudi for influence in the Middle East and South Asia, the paper added. (ANI)


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Want To Know How To Build Muscle? Read On : Premier Diet and ...

Posted by haleyjonas on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

If you want to start muscle building, you may think you need to commit to months, or even years, of hard work at the gym. However, building muscle isn?t only about the physcial exercise you do. It?s about knowing how the muscles work and how to build them so you can select smart techniques to get the body you want in a quick amount of time. This article will show you some helpful tips to increase your muscle mass.

TIP! Pre-exhaust is a useful strategy you can use if a certain muscle group is giving up on you early and reducing the effectiveness of subsequent exercises. For example, before lats on the rows, your biceps might feel fatigued.

Having a strict schedule for your workouts will prevent injuries and help you gain muscle. New bodybuilders should avoid working out more than twice a week. Three times is perfect for experienced people.

TIP! To gain optimum growth, work your muscles to failure during the last set of every exercise. If you don?t exhaust your muscles fully, then they will not grow as much as possible.

Working out with your friends and family can help you to stay motivated. Your friends can encourage you to continue your workout routines, giving you more energy to get through them. You?ll work out more often and with more intensity when you are with friends.

TIP! Try mixing up the grip for the back. To achieve more strength during rack pulls or deadlifts, try using a staged or mixed grip.

Eat healthy fats when you?re on a diet where you want to gain muscle. Additionally, fats help increase your testosterone, as well as, keeping joints flexible. This could mean having healthy muscle gain all throughout your body. However, saturated fats must be avoided, as they?re not heart-healthy.

TIP! Eating well is crucial when you are trying to build muscle. Your muscles thrive on certain nutrients and cannot recover from exercise without plenty of them.

Create a training regimen that suits the goals you want to achieve. Repeating the same exercises daily may get routine, but experts say it is an excellent means to increase good muscle mass. If you find yourself getting bored with your routine, you can always mix things up by adding new exercises.

TIP! The best exercises for increasing your muscle bulk are those that utilize the large muscle groups. These three techniques will help you et into shape in a relatively quick amount of time, and help you continue to build muscle.

It is important to include good stretching exercises into your bodybuilding workout sessions. There are two primary benefits to stretching before you work out. It staves off sore muscles so you are able to recover more quickly, meaning you don?t miss valuable time at the gym. You can really open up your ranges of available motion with regular stretching, and this only assists your activities specifically focused on muscle growth.

TIP! Set limits, but don?t end a workout until you?ve used every resource. You want to try and push yourself to your limit during every set.

Make your goals reasonable when trying to build muscle. The optimal results are attained over a period of time spanning hundreds of individual workouts. Don?t try to take shortcuts; stimulants, steroids and other unnatural muscle development methods can be hazardous to your health.

TIP! Creatine might be a good solution for you. If you take creatine along with a protein and carbohydrate rich diet, it will enable you to train harder and longer.

Eliminate alcohol to increase the effectiveness of your weight training routines. Drinking an occasional glass of wine is fine, but limit yourself to one glass. Not only is alcohol unhealthy for your body, but it can also have negative effects on building muscle.

TIP! The goal of any workout where muscle building is the focus is to create stronger muscles. This will result in your ability to lift weights that are heavier.

Turn your attention to the bench press, squat and deadlift. They are the cornerstones of bodybuilding for good reason. Experienced bodybuilders know that they not only provide basic conditioning, but they also build strength and bulk. Always try to include these exercises in some form in your workout.

TIP! About 30 minutes before you start your weight lifting routine, drink a protein shake. This small shake can give you an energy and muscle boost while not causing you to feel stuffed.

Creatine can increase your muscle growth. Within the first few weeks of using creatine, you can add 5 to 10 pounds of muscle because it allows you to increase your reps with heavier weights. To achieve the maximum results, you should ingest the recommended dosage of your particular brand of creatine both before and after your workout.

TIP! Take a creatine supplement. This may help you to have the ability to push yourself more, which will help your muscles to grow.

You most likely had the drive to work extra hard to gain muscle prior to reading this. Now that you?ve read this article, you hopefully possess more knowledge on how you can increase your muscle mass as fast and most efficiently as you can. Apply the tips in this article to assist you in reaching the goals you have for muscle development.

TIP! When you lift weights, your technique has more importance than how much weight you lift, how quickly you do the sets or how often you do them. Carefully practice and master each and every exercise.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

My conversations with Malala Yousafzai, the girl who stood up to the Taliban (+video)

Pakistani journalist Owais Tohid recalls his conversations with Malala Yousafzai, the outspoken 14-year-old girl whose shooting by the Taliban has outraged the world.

By Owais Tohid,?Former Monitor correspondent / October 11, 2012

An activist from non-governmental organisation Insani Haqooq Ittihad hold a picture of Malala Yousufzai during a demonstration in Islamabad, Pakistan, October 10, 2012.

Faisal Mahmood/REUTERS


"Which one of you is Malala? Speak up, otherwise I will shoot you all," a hooded, bearded Taliban militant asked a bus full of schoolgirls on their way home earlier this week. "She is propagating against the soldiers of Allah, the Taliban. She must be punished," the Taliban militant shouted louder. Then, recognizing her, he shot her at a point blank range.

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Malala Yousafzai gained fame when it came out that she was the girl who was highly critical of the Taliban's ban on girls' education in the Swat valley, and blogging about her views and about the atrocities of Islamic militias controlling the valley from 2007-2009. The BBC blog, which was written in Urdu under a pen name, was nominated for several awards.?

"I wanted to scream, shout and tell the whole world what we were going through. But it was not possible. The Taliban would have killed me, my father, my whole family. I would have died without leaving any mark. So I chose to write with a different name. And it worked, as my valley has been freed," she told me when I invited her for an interview for the TV station I am heading now, ARY News.?

Doctors treating Malala now say bullets have been removed from her head and neck, but her condition is still critical. The Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have claimed responsibility for the attack and have a $100,000 government bounty against them. ?

Malala's friend, Shazia, who was also injured that day, recounted the event to me as her eyes filled with tears.

"They stopped our school van. They were riding on a bike. The masked man kept pointing guns at us and the other was shouting ?where is Malala?!? I froze with a flashback to the old dark days: I remembered the headless bodies, slaughtering of rivals ? merely on dissent or slightest doubt of spying ?the grotesque violence."

Just a few moments before, she said, the girls had been singing a traditional Pashtun folk song on their way back from school, its lyrics professing to sacrifice life for motherland, the beautiful valley of Swat.

"With a drop of my sweetheart's blood, Shed to defend the motherland, I will put a beauty spot on my forehead, Such would put to shame the rose in the garden," they sang. The song was made famous by Malala?s namesake, Malalai of Maiwand. The 19th century national folk hero fought against the British troops in the Second Anglo-Afghan War.

What's in a name?

The first time I met Malala, a couple of years ago, I asked her what her name signified. She answered:?"Probably, a hero like the Afghan heroine Malalai [of Maiwand] or Malalai Joya. I want to be a social activist and an honest politician like her," she said, smiling. Ms. Joya, a 30-something activist, politician, and writer who was bitterly critical of both the Taliban and the Karzai regime, was at one point dubbed the bravest woman of Afghanistan.?


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Mastering The Sitting Trot With Your Horse : Sports and Recreation ...

You are here: Home / Equestrian / Mastering The Sitting Trot With Your Horse

As a coach, lots of questions I?m asked are basically repetitions. One question that I?m frequently asked is, ?Can I learn how to sit better while on the trot??

If that is a query that?s troubling you, too , here are some answers for you.

1. The number one requirement is that your pony is on the bit. You will struggle to sit if your horse?s back is stiff, hollow or tight. And it?s pretty much a certainty that if you?re uncomfortable, you?ll somehow cause discomfort to your pony, too!

Put your horse on the bit by getting the connecting half halt right.

2. Slow down the trot. Ride on really low throttle and when you are able to sit easily, step on the gas in two stages, just a little bit at a time. Slow down once again.

3. Get the pony on the bit while at a posting trot. When your horse is round, sit quiet for 2 or 3 strides. Get to posting once more, before you surrender to the desire to use your legs to grip your horse. Set your body right, relax the legs and again sit quiet for two or three strides.

4. Cross the stirrups over at the saddle?s front. Do posting without using the irons until your legs tire. You?ll be unable to grip with tired legs, and that will make you sit deeper.

5. Concentrate on your own hips. Take note of the way they close and open on the walk. Try and imitate that exact motion on the sitting trot.

6. Make believe you are a practiced belly dancer. Swivel your hips.

7. Grip the saddle?s front with the inside hand. Using that very same hand, pull yourself more deeply into your saddle. This way, you will be able to experience the feel of sitting in sync with your horse on the sitting trot.

8. Relax your thighs and knees; take them off saddle temporarily, about an in. or so. Let them drop back, this time very lightly.

9. Go thru some lunge lessons. There?s no better way to master the sort of independent seat that can let you sit comfortably thru a trot. Avoid using stirrups or reins for the lessons. Leave the steering and control over speed to the person who is lunging you. Go thru some exercises: move part of your body while keeping the rest positively still. You can do exercises like scissor kicks and arm circles. Practice deep seats while your pony is in travelling gaits; continue to practice thru down or up transitions.

Horses are Heather Tomspassion and she enjoys sharing her extensive knowledge through her 100s of articles with other horse lovers



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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Poland's narrowest building opens


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Bullous pemphigoid - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment ... - Health Inset

What is Bullous pemphigoid?

Bullous pemphigoid is a dermatological condition represented by blistering eruptions on the surface of the skin that are normally called bullae. According to the International Pemphigus and Pemphigoid Foundation, this is a type of an autoimmune skin disorder that manifests in very few individuals.

Bullous pemphigoid Incidence

The disorder is rarely spotted in children and inflicts individuals above the age of 70. In the UK, this condition is estimated at 4.28 per 100,000 person years. On the other hand, in France it is in the order of 0.6-0.7 cases per 100,000 persons per year. Both males and females are equally affected by the ailment.

Bullous pemphigoid Symptoms

In this condition, the skin (that appears normal otherwise) gets filled with crops of tense elevated lesions. These blisters are usually filled with clear, cloudy or blood-stained fluid. The initial eruptions on the cutaneous region are generally hives- a type of skin rash with pale red, raised and itchy bumps. ?Blisters develop only after a week or more. In some cases, they do not appear until months later. At this stage, the degree of itch can vary from severe to mild. The burning sensation of the skin makes the condition even more distressful. The skin around the blisters may however, remain normal without any pruritic sensation.

Picture of Bullous pemphigoid

Picture 1 -?Bullous pemphigoid

The blistering eruptions can occur anywhere on the body, but are significantly present on the abdomen, groin, trunk, upper arms, armpits and inner thighs. The severity of the blistering can vary. In some cases, they may affect only a specific area of the body such as the lower leg or arm. These rounded protrusions find it easier to develop along creases or folds in the skin. In rare occasions, the mucosal blisters affect the inner lining tissue of the mouth. Oral blisters can cause burning pain and make eating difficult, owing to sensitivity to acidic food.

When the deeper regions of the throat undergo blistering, swallowing gives rise to cough. The pus-filled lumps can sometimes break to form mouth ulcers. The oral sores can even affect the spongy gums and cause persistent bleeding. Painful sores that form on the inside of the nose can predispose patients to nosebleeds.

Bullous pemphigoid Causes

The condition is believed to be a type 2 hypersensitivity reaction, in which the antibodies called immunoglobins produced by the immune system bind to antigens on the own cell surfaces of a patient. These antigens are basically proteins called hemidesmosomal antigens in the basement membrane ? a thin membrane composed of a single layer of cells present between the epidermis and dermis of the skin. The inflammatory response produced in this autoimmune skin disorder, owing to the autoantibody attack, causes accumulation of fluid in the basement membrane. In the course of time blisters begin to erupt on the skin, causing acute inflammation. There is no clear explanation given about the cause of the autoimmune reaction in the body. The following factors may trigger the formation of blisters:

  • Radiation treatment
  • Exposure to ultraviolet light
  • Prescribed drugs such as NSAIDs, furosemide, captopril, ibuprofen, penicillamine and antibiotics
  • Disorders like Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, stroke and dementia
  • Genetic origin
  • Post-vaccination side effects

Bullous pemphigoid Diagnosis

Physical inspection of the skin by a well-experienced dermatologist is important as a part of primary diagnosis. However, a plain observation does not reveal much about the underlying cause. The primary symptoms of the condition closely resemble a simple skin rash such as eczema. Therefore, a biopsy of the affected skin should be done to confirm that these blisters are a consequence of an autoimmune condition. A series of biopsy samples are collected and sent for some further tests like:


Fluorescein-stained or labeled antibodies are used in this procedure to locate antigens in a sample of cells. These antibodies recognize the target proteins in the basement membrane and binds to them. A fluorescence microscope is then used to visualize the distribution of these target molecules through the biopsy sample.

Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain

The staining technique involves application of hemalum, which is a solution of hematoxylin and alum used to color the nuclei of the cells in the skin sample. It is followed by counterstaining of the cells with eosin, a fluorescent dye that normally stains only esonophilic structures composed of proteins. The differential staining method helps in distinguishing the red-stained antibodies from the remaining structures.

An analysis on a sample of a patient?s blood or urine or both can confirm the presence of antibodies responsible for causing the condition. The blister fluid can also be tested in a pathological laboratory for closer examination of the basement membrane.

Bullous pemphigoid Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of the disease aims at distinguishing it from other skin blistering ailments like:

  • Linear IgA dermatosis
  • Drug-Induced Bullous Disorders
  • Epidermolysis bullosa
  • Erythema multiforme
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis
  • Cicatricial pemphigoid
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Bullous pemphigoid Treatment

In mild cases, the lesions normally heal without scarring the skin. A rough patch of skin is left when a blister bursts, which eventually heals. In other cases, the blister fluid is absorbed into the body and the roof of the blister settles back down on the skin. The symptoms can be resolved using high-strength steroid creams. Oral administration of high dose of cortisone ensures faster symptomatic relief. Prednisolone is a common steroid tablet prescribed to a number of patients. However, some medical experts suggest that topical steroids are more effective than tablets and have lesser side-effects. Systemic steroids along with immunosuppressant drugs like azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, and methotrexate are needed to control the prolonged episodes of itching and blistering. The severity of the condition determines the exact dose of the combination medication.

Image of Bullous pemphigoid

Picture 2 -?Bullous pemphigoid Image

Intravenous immunoglobins infusions could be given on a monthly basis in extensive blister formations. Patients who are allergic to steroids can opt for antibiotics such as erythromycin, dapsone, sulphonamide and tetracycline to prevent the spread of the disorder. The raw areas of the skin may require therapeutic measures like dressings and wound management. An intravenous drug called rituximab is prescribed to individuals who are unresponsive to other types of therapy.

Bullous pemphigoid Complications

After the blisters have bursted, the raw areas of the skin are sometimes prone to a host of secondary infections that could be detrimental to the overall health of the patients. The infection can also spread to the lungs, causing pneumonia. Mouth sores can contribute to a decrease in appetite.

Bullous pemphigoid Prognosis

In the majority of patients, the condition is self-limited with the blisters resolving within five years. With treatment, the skin sores remit within 1.5 to 5 years. The medications can be discontinued after this period. Approximately 6-41% of elderly patients with the condition have a fatal outcome. However, the availability of various treatment options in the USA has significantly brought down the mortality rate.

The management of Bullous pemphigoid requires close monitoring and regular use of the prescribed drugs. Seek immediate medical advice if the blisters have occupied a large part of the body. Timely cure can prevent the development of skin infection.



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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Google May Settle Patent-Abuse Charges - Business Insider

Google may settle a dispute with the Federal Trade Commission over the way its Motorola subsidiary handled licensing for some smartphone patents, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The FTC requested documents from Google in June, looking into charges that Motorola had refused to license certain patents to competitors.

It appears that they found some smoking guns, the Journal reports, citing a source familiar with the FTC's conversations with Google:

The FTC believes it has evidence that some people at Google admitted to colleagues that the company's conduct with such patents was wrong, this person said.

Patent holders must agree to license technology that's essential to industry standards under "fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory" terms: Such patents are called "FRAND" patents.

Instead, Motorola used its patents against competitors like Apple and Microsoft. Apple won a case against Motorola in August on FRAND issues.

Asked about the patent issue and Motorola's behavior last week, Google chairman Eric Schmidt said, "I can't talk about it ...?because it actually just gets me too upset."


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Put Sapphire Spas Into Your Own Home And Enjoy Wellness And ...

Taking a sink in a spa or hot tub may well be a pleasant and highly entertaining deal for people looking to experience relief from stress, pains, and other negative feelings in the body. While diving in a pool can offer comfort and help an individual get some bodily work out into her day, utilizing a hot tub can yield diverse kinds of results. This equipment uses hot water, buoyancy, and massage therapy abilities that are exclusively created to give health advantages for any user.

Sapphire Spas is a business that designs and manufactures their spas right in Australia. It is loyal to a positive environmental plan and matches each product with eco-beneficial efficiency systems to help spa owners keep their energy payments low. To add, Sapphire Spas even include more advanced water purification systems that stop negative wellness and environmental end results along with fade- and stain-resistant DuraTek Cabinets that shoppers can get to include in their purchased unit to secure toughness in harsh Australian conditions.

Spas can be utilized for relaxation, health, and fitness purposes. Homeowners who enjoy dining and entertaining guests outdoors will find that spa units add a precious touch to a hassle-free barbecue or outdoor event for small groups of friends. Those looking to improve their overall wellness using spas may also be more than happy to take down the machines' list of advantages. The heat and perkiness of water in a spa serves to lower stress; because the heat raises the body's temperature, getting away from the spa then lowers it and serves to prompt sleep. The massaging jets in a spa help to calm down muscles, relieve pain and stiffness, and start to improve blood flow and circulation. People with type 2 diabetes can even utilize spa therapy to help lower their blood sugar and support fat loss.

When purchasing a spa from Sapphire Spas, a buyer can simply examine the units and go through the information on their particular attributes, but it may be more worthwhile to undertake a "wet test." A trustworthy spa merchant can set up a day when a client can privately try out one or two spas and choose the unit with the right depth, seating structure, massage jets, and style for her particular needs and preferences.

With a spa at home, individuals can enjoy in its relaxing and healing advantages at any time they choose. Trusting a professional retailer ensures that a client confirms the right model, gets the product transported and installed safely into the preferred area of the home, and gets full standard after-sales service and support.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Do You Kill a Man If There's a 40% Chance He's the One You're After? (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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Depression, shortened telomeres increase mortality in bladder cancer patients

Depression, shortened telomeres increase mortality in bladder cancer patients [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Oct-2012
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Contact: Katrina Burton
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Epidemiological study shows age-associated biomarker and depressive symptoms affect survival

HOUSTON - Low depressive symptoms and a longer telomere length are compelling factors that contribute to a prolonged life for bladder cancer patients according to researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

In an observational study, a team of MD Anderson researchers analyzed clinical and behavioral data collected from 464 bladder cancer patients, according to research presented at the 11th Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research.

"This is the first study of its kind that analyzes bladder cancer outcomes," said Meng Chen, Ph.D., an instructor in MD Anderson's Department of Epidemiology. "Psychological factors are not usually included in epidemiologic studies"

The patients observed were enrolled in an ongoing study of bladder cancer that provides extensive genetic, epidemiologic and psychological data. The collaboration of MD Anderson epidemiologists and psychologists is led by the study's principal investigator, Xifeng Wu, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chair of the epidemiology department.

Patients' information was analyzed according to four different groups. The first group involved patients with long telomeres and no depressive symptoms; the second identified patients who had long telomeres with depressive symptoms; the third had shortened telomeres and no depressive symptoms, while the fourth group had shortened telomeres and depressive symptoms.

Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer of men and is usually diagnosed in people over the age of 60. The American Cancer Society estimates 56,000 men and 18,000 women will have a bladder cancer diagnosis in 2012.

Research has identified shortened telomere length as an aging-associated biomarker in several diseases, including cancer. As people grow older, telomeres on the tips of chromosomes, which protect chromosomes from unraveling as cells replicate, shorten and eventually fail, leading to cell death. MD Anderson researchers analyzed blood samples to measure telomere length.

Depressive symptoms were analyzed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). The self-report scale - one of the most common screening tests used for finding levels of depression - revealed patients who scored at high levels of depressive symptoms have a 1.89-fold risk of dying compared to those with lower levels of depression, who will live a little over three times longer - 200 months vs. 58 months.

The study also revealed the combination of factors, longer telomeres and low levels of depressive symptoms, increased survival for bladder cancer patients by more than six-fold - 31.3 months vs 199.8 months. Those with short telomeres and high levels of depression had a three-fold risk of mortality.

A certain level of stress, which has also been associated with shortened telomere length, is a dominating factor with many cancer patients. "People are not treating the depression directly, but mainly focused on coping with cancer,"said Chen. "This leads to additional stress that increases mortality."

Enhanced stress management should be an integral part of cancer treatment, "Lifestyle behaviors including a healthy diet, regular exercise and smoking-cessation are factors for reducing stress and ultimately depression in cancer patients"." said co-author Jie Lin, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology.

Lin also said the new risk factors such as psychological risk factors identified by the team could be included in future risk prediction models. The team is optimistic that this study will encourage clinicians to incorporate behavioral factors into risk models so interventions can be developed to prolong survival for bladder cancer patients.


Contributing authors to the work include Jan Blalock, Ph.D., Paul Cinciripini, Ph.D. from the Department of Behavioral Science, and Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D., from the Department of General Oncology.

About MD Anderson

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston ranks as one of the world's most respected centers focused on cancer patient care, research, education and prevention. MD Anderson is one of only 41 comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute. For eight of the past 10 years, including 2011, MD Anderson has ranked No. 1 in cancer care in "America's Best Hospitals," a survey published annually in U.S. News & World Report .

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Depression, shortened telomeres increase mortality in bladder cancer patients [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Oct-2012
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Contact: Katrina Burton
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Epidemiological study shows age-associated biomarker and depressive symptoms affect survival

HOUSTON - Low depressive symptoms and a longer telomere length are compelling factors that contribute to a prolonged life for bladder cancer patients according to researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

In an observational study, a team of MD Anderson researchers analyzed clinical and behavioral data collected from 464 bladder cancer patients, according to research presented at the 11th Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research.

"This is the first study of its kind that analyzes bladder cancer outcomes," said Meng Chen, Ph.D., an instructor in MD Anderson's Department of Epidemiology. "Psychological factors are not usually included in epidemiologic studies"

The patients observed were enrolled in an ongoing study of bladder cancer that provides extensive genetic, epidemiologic and psychological data. The collaboration of MD Anderson epidemiologists and psychologists is led by the study's principal investigator, Xifeng Wu, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chair of the epidemiology department.

Patients' information was analyzed according to four different groups. The first group involved patients with long telomeres and no depressive symptoms; the second identified patients who had long telomeres with depressive symptoms; the third had shortened telomeres and no depressive symptoms, while the fourth group had shortened telomeres and depressive symptoms.

Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer of men and is usually diagnosed in people over the age of 60. The American Cancer Society estimates 56,000 men and 18,000 women will have a bladder cancer diagnosis in 2012.

Research has identified shortened telomere length as an aging-associated biomarker in several diseases, including cancer. As people grow older, telomeres on the tips of chromosomes, which protect chromosomes from unraveling as cells replicate, shorten and eventually fail, leading to cell death. MD Anderson researchers analyzed blood samples to measure telomere length.

Depressive symptoms were analyzed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). The self-report scale - one of the most common screening tests used for finding levels of depression - revealed patients who scored at high levels of depressive symptoms have a 1.89-fold risk of dying compared to those with lower levels of depression, who will live a little over three times longer - 200 months vs. 58 months.

The study also revealed the combination of factors, longer telomeres and low levels of depressive symptoms, increased survival for bladder cancer patients by more than six-fold - 31.3 months vs 199.8 months. Those with short telomeres and high levels of depression had a three-fold risk of mortality.

A certain level of stress, which has also been associated with shortened telomere length, is a dominating factor with many cancer patients. "People are not treating the depression directly, but mainly focused on coping with cancer,"said Chen. "This leads to additional stress that increases mortality."

Enhanced stress management should be an integral part of cancer treatment, "Lifestyle behaviors including a healthy diet, regular exercise and smoking-cessation are factors for reducing stress and ultimately depression in cancer patients"." said co-author Jie Lin, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology.

Lin also said the new risk factors such as psychological risk factors identified by the team could be included in future risk prediction models. The team is optimistic that this study will encourage clinicians to incorporate behavioral factors into risk models so interventions can be developed to prolong survival for bladder cancer patients.


Contributing authors to the work include Jan Blalock, Ph.D., Paul Cinciripini, Ph.D. from the Department of Behavioral Science, and Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D., from the Department of General Oncology.

About MD Anderson

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston ranks as one of the world's most respected centers focused on cancer patient care, research, education and prevention. MD Anderson is one of only 41 comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute. For eight of the past 10 years, including 2011, MD Anderson has ranked No. 1 in cancer care in "America's Best Hospitals," a survey published annually in U.S. News & World Report .

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