Saturday, April 28, 2012

SketchUp Is Google?s First Divestment Ever, And It Made A Profit

SketchUp - Google's First DivestmentGoogle's sale of a previously purchased arm of the company this morning, 3D modeling software SketchUp, to Trimble, isn't just something it does "every now and again". It's actually Google's first divestment ever, according to two sources, and we're hearing the search giant made a profit, as it sold SketchUp for more than it bought it for back in 2006. This could signal a sea change in how Larry Page executes his vision for a leaner, more focused Google. The company frequently shuts down extraneous products, but that requires redistribution of their team members internally. If it's now willing to sell them instead, Google could streamline around the theme of making user's lives more convenient, while making some money at the same time.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Best Buy Connect no longer accepting new activations, service to end June 1st


Remember Best Buy Connect? If so, you'll soon have a few more megabytes of humanized DDR3 freed up, as it appears that the retail giant is ready to put the kibosh on its own branded mobile broadband service nearly two years after it was first unveiled. According to the internal memo shown in the above screenshot, new activations are no longer allowed effective immediately, and the service for legacy customers will be cut off on the first of June.

So why the change of heart? Apparently Connect is the victim of a reshuffling of priorities, and the company determined that it "can achieve greater growth by delivering mobile broadband support in ways other than an exclusive Best Buy-branded service." Of course, this is bound to upset more than a handful of folks who have been relying on Connect for their data needs, and the retailer isn't leaving them completely in the dark: to help smooth out the transition, all Early Termination Fees will be waived, and all customers will receive a $125 or $150 gift card via email to curb the cost of moving to a different carrier. WiMAX Connect users, additionally, will also be given the option to switch over to Clear service. We're still awaiting official confirmation from Best Buy -- as of this moment, the official website remains up and running as if it's none the wiser -- but we'll update as soon as we hear more.

[Thanks, Anonymous]

Best Buy Connect no longer accepting new activations, service to end June 1st originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:11:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happly For iPad Helps Curious Kids Discover The Web?Safely

iPad_TOC_sizediPad guilt? There needs to be a technical term for that feeling in the pit of a parent's stomach that arises from handing over the iPad to their kids, only to watch them play brain rotting Outfit7 games or level after level of Angry Birds. Fortunately, some startups are focusing on developing more educational content for the iPad to help parents assuage some of their guilt over their kids' ever-increasing screen time. One such company is Daily Interactive, which is now launching Happly for iPad, a collection of original and curated content for kids, including online videos, games, and stories. And while the content may be deemed educational, the kids might not realize it, given the app's focus on topics kids love to explore, like dinosaurs, space, sports, animals, how to's and more.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Window opens for North Korean rocket launch

The world is waiting to see if the launch will go forward.

By Jean H. Lee,?The Associated Press / April 11, 2012

Fighter jets roared through the skies over downtown Pyongyang on Thursday as the world watched to see whether North Korea would defy international warnings and launch a long-range rocket over the Yellow Sea.

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The five-day window for the launch of a rocket mounted with an observation satellite opened Thursday as North Koreans woke to details about developments at a Workers' Party conference where leader Kim Jong Un ascended to top posts and brought with him a new generation of officials.

His father, Kim Jong Il, was granted the posthumous title of "eternal general secretary" at the special one-day party conference Wednesday. The immortalization of the late leader provided a glimpse into how North Korea will handle the nation's second hereditary succession and indicates he will be honored much in the same way his father, Kim Il Sung, was made "eternal president" following his 1994 death.

RECOMMENDED: North Korea bestows new title on its young leader ahead of launch

Footage on state TV Thursday showed Kim Jong Un seated at the front of the conference with white statues of his grandfather and a new statue of his father in his trademark khaki work ensemble, one arm on his hip.

There was no word Thursday morning on the timing of the controversial launch, which the North has said will take place sometime between Thursday and Monday. In 2009, a similar launch from an east coast site took place on the second day of a five-day window.

The United States, Japan, Britain and others say the launch would constitute a provocation and would violate U.N. Security Council resolutions banning North Korea from developing its nuclear and missile programs.

Experts say the Unha-3 carrier is similar to the type of rocket that could be used to fire a missile mounted with a nuclear warhead to strike the U.S. or other targets.

The launch and Kim's formal ascension to top posts comes during a week of events leading up to celebrations Sunday marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of his grandfather, late President Kim Il Sung.

The centennial is a major milestone in the nation Kim founded in 1948, and the streets of the capital, Pyongyang, were awash with new posters, banners and the national flag. The streets were busy with women clad in traditional Korean dresses and children waving red flags.

North Korea invited dozens of journalists to report on the events designed not only to honor Kim Il Sung but also to demonstrate unity as Kim Jong Un consolidates power. The Taedong River flyover of fighter jets was practice for a military parade, officials said. North Korea's army celebrates its 80th anniversary later this month.

The expected satellite launch is one of the marquee events this week. North Korean space officials call the launch of the Unha-3 rocket, mounted with an Earth observation satellite, a "gift" to Kim Il Sung. They said Wednesday that the final step of injecting fuel into the three-stage rocket was under way in the coastal hamlet of Tongchang-ri.

"We are injecting fuel as we speak," Paek Chang Ho, chief of the space committee's General Command Center, told reporters given a chance Wednesday to visit the control center outside Pyongyang.

He said the rocket was ready for liftoff as soon as engineers are given the green light. North Korea has informed international aviation, maritime and telecommunications authorities that the launch would take place between Thursday and Monday.

Because liquid rocket fuel is highly volatile and corrosive, its injection into the rocket is usually one of the final steps in the pre-launch process, experts say. But the weather, and particularly the wind, could force delays.

An analysis of recent satellite images shows preparations appear compete, the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies said.

Images taken by a commercial satellite earlier in the week revealed increased activity at an instrumentation site that would track and collect data from the rocket to be passed to the launch control center.

A mobile radar tracking antenna also was removed from its stowed position, indicating it has been checked out for operations. The analysis for the institute's website, 38 North, also says a mobile optical system appears to have been set up to track the rocket's flight.

The planned launch was a focus of discussions among foreign ministers from the Group of Eight leading industrialized democracies.

"I think we all share a strong interest in stability on the Korean peninsula, and we will be discussing how best to achieve that as well," Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told her colleagues Wednesday in Washington.

Paek denied Wednesday that the launch was anything but a peaceful civilian bid to send a satellite into space. He said the Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite is designed to send back images and data that will be used for weather forecasts and agricultural surveys.

"Some parties insist our peaceful space program is a missile test," he told foreign reporters given an exclusive tour of the nation's main satellite command center. "We don't really care what the outside world thinks. This launch is critical to developing our space program and improving our economy."

This launch would be the country's third attempt since 1998. Two previous rockets, also named Unha, were mounted with experimental communications satellites and sent from the east coast.

"The launch of the Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite is the pride of our nation and of our people," Rim Kwang Myong, a mathematics major at Kim Il Sung University, told The Associated Press.

Science and technology also are said to be Kim Jong Un's areas of expertise, and Kim is credited with giving guidance during the last launch in 2009.

Kim is considered supreme commander of the armed forces, and is expected to gain other new titles formalizing his position as "supreme leader" of North Korea's people and party, possibly including his father's title of chairman of the National Defense Commission.

On Wednesday, he was made first secretary of the Workers' Party, a newly created post. He also succeeded his late father as chairman of the Central Military Commission, which formulates the party's military policies, and was elevated to standing member of the powerful Political Bureau, the party's highest-level decision-making body.

RECOMMENDED:?North Korea bestows new title on its young leader ahead of launch

Party delegates also elected a new generation of younger officials to key posts, including Choe Ryong Hae, a new vice marshal who will join Kim on the powerful Presidium of the Central Committee's Political Bureau.

Six others were named to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, including Jang Song Thaek, who is married to Kim Jong Il's sister, Kim Kyong Hui.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Best Android phone under 30K

Thanks for really quick reply

Decided to reject note because of the size. I dont think I want to use that big phone.

Yes Xperia S is 31000 officially available now (pre book) But have to wait for the review.

One X is great phone but I think it will be out of my budget One S will be good but dont know how much is the wait.

Galaxy Nexus is just 23K which is steal thats why its in my list. For me 5 MP is enough can live with it. And lots of custom rom support for it.

Can wait for SIII but I am sure it will be above 35K anyways lets hope for price cut will save me few thousand rupees.

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